
Melrose Place: The Nasty Minded Professor

Melrose Place (1998)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 27 - The Nasty Minded Professor


Samantha takes back Jeff after learning that his knee injury has ended his career. Amanda catches Billy and Jennifer making out at the jazz club, and drops hints about Sam's affair. Billy shows up at a little league game where Jeff is coaching, and sees Sam kiss him. He punches Jeff, and Sam is knocked unconscious during the scuffle. She lets Billy take her home from the hospital, but he refuses to talk to her. Taylor tells Kyle that he is the father of her baby. Amanda learns about the pregnancy, and Michael claims that Kyle is the father. Amanda goads Kyle into signing divorce papers, as she plans to get a quickie divorce in the Dominican Republic. Rory asks Amanda to marry him. Megan and Brett get engaged. Dr. Larner attacks Megan, but Brett comes to the rescue. Larner's wife tells Megan that her husband is influential, and that Brett is being asked to choose between the job and Megan. Megan tries to leave Philadelphia, but Brett stops her and says he rejected the job. Lexi becomes


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