
Highway Thru Hell: USA

Hell on the Highway (2012)

Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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This real life series will document the activities and the lives of the tow truck drivers who work Donner Summit as they compete for work - and fight to stay alive. During the ever present winter storms, each driver may respond to as many as 15 assistance needed calls per day. With each call comes a different story of a desperate and stranded family, trucker, or tourist who wants nothing more than to simply make it off of the summit alive. Our tow truck drivers must juggle their difficult jobs while keeping motorists calm.
Our video crews will be backed up by numerous small HDV vehicle mounted cameras that are strategically placed on the tow trucks - including looking forward through their windshields and on the rear tow arms. Other cameras will be set up in strategic sections of the 'pass' where skid outs, accidents and crashes are a regular occurrence. These cameras will catch every close call, every accident, every daring rescue, and the always intimidating winter conditions of Donner Pass.


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