
Natyra Jonë: Elsa: The Lioness That Changed the World

Natural World (2011)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

Vlerësimi: 7.9/10


EPISODI: 10 - Elsa: The Lioness That Changed the World


Documentary providing an insight into how Joy Adamson's book Born Free, and the subsequent film adaptation, sparked new interest in nature and conservation in the 1960s. The world was introduced to orphaned lioness Elsa, which she and her husband George raised at their Kenyan reserve before releasing into the wild. The programme also details the darker side of the Adamsons' work in Africa, which eventually led them both to untimely deaths. Includes contributions from David Attenborough and Born Free star Virginia McKenna.


Natyra JonëBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC Studios


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