
Friesland: Mörderische Gezeiten

Friesland (2014)

Krim, Thriller | Gjermani

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Vlerësimi: 7.0/10


EPISODI: 1 - Mörderische Gezeiten


In East Frisian small harbor, contrary constables Jens Jensen, a tolerant pragmatic local, and Süher Özlügül, ambitious, usually by-the-book daughter of a Turkish immigrant fisherman, quarrel how to handle petty crime and keep order. Their chief Hinnerk Goosen doesn't hesitate to cover Jens who accidentally shot a rabbit in a public row over venue access. Süher breaks the rules to cover for her father who illegally taught kid rascals an excessive lesson. The staged suicide of housewife Elfie Berger requires the pair teaming up, assisted by pharmacist Insa Scherzinger who eagerly volunteers her informal forensic expertise, as Hinnerk is suspected of covering for organized drug trade, prostitution and blackmail, a minefield of motives and sore toes, scares with information for the formally competent nearest commissioner, Jan Brockhorst, who has little desire to dwell in the rustic 'shithole' which literally ruins his boots.




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