
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Young Indiana Jones and the Phantom Train of Doom

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1993)

Aksion, Aventurë, Familjar, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 11 - Young Indiana Jones and the Phantom Train of Doom


November, 1916. Indiana Jones and Remy Baudouin have managed to get a transfer from the European trenches to the plains of Africa. On arrival they both receive a promotion to the rank of lieutenant in the Belgian Army. When they take the wrong train they end up in Moshi. Desprerate to join their unit in Lake Victoria, the two men bump into the 25th Royal Fusiliers, a unit of cranky old men led by Indy's old acquaintance Frederick Selous. Indy's passing knowledge of trains and fluent German comes in handy for the Fusiliers, who are about to go on a mission to find and destroy a Phantom Train that carries an enormous German artillery gun. After accomplishing their goal, Selous tricks Indy and Remy into joining his unit for another caper involving the capture of the German military strategist Colonel Von Lettow-Vorbeck.


The Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesThe Young Indiana Jones Chronicles


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