EPISODI: 6 - Weeping Mary and the Montana Alien


Could a strange figure caught on a security cam be evidence of an unknown lifeform? What accounts for a statue that appears to be crying real tears? And can a smartphone app actually allow people to control reality... with their minds? In this episode, Tony Harris and his team of experts take a deep dive into videos of the unexplained and render surprising verdict on what they might be.


The Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out There


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