сезона: 1

епизода: 1 - Tod und Regen


Chief Inspector Claudius Zorn is annoyed. He's in a "mid-life crisis" and his work, which consists primarily of poring over files, bores him. Whenever possible, he passes on tiresome tasks to his colleague Schröder. But then something happens that tears Zorn out of his gray everyday life: A large pool of blood is found in the basement of a demolished house. There is no trace of the corpse. Public prosecutor Sauer transfers the mysterious case to him. The unmotivated wrath hasn't investigated a murder in years and is less than thrilled to actually have work on the table. Only a little later there is already a second dead person: a suicide who leaves behind a husband and child. The search for clues leads the investigative team through the whole of Halle. In doing so, Zorn finds out that his seemingly simple-minded colleague is often more on the ball than he is. The investigations are still not progressing, not least because of the incessant rain that covers many tracks. It was only when public prosecutor Sauer showed his contempt for Zorn all too clearly that he started to ponder and aroused Zorn's suspicions: Why did Sauer hand over the explosive case to him of all people? Should he only have used his supposedly most incompetent commissioner to prevent the investigation? Zorn feels challenged and now begins to investigate in earnest. In fact, there are indications that the files were manipulated - perhaps by Sauer himself? When looking for evidence, Zorn and Schröder receive support from Hannah Saborowski, the secretary of the public prosecutor, who also makes significant advances to Zorn. But he is more fascinated by his neighbor, the mysterious Malina. When he meets her while shadowing Sauer in a bar, he loses sight of the public prosecutor. Immediately there is a new murder - and a victim that Zorn would never have dreamed of. And why is his new friend Henning Mahler, the suicide's husband, also in hiding? In the course of further investigations, a tragic revenge story slowly unfolds and Zorn cannot prevent more deaths.




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