
Odvažni i lepi: #3375

The Bold and the Beautiful (2000)

Режисер: Michael Stich, Cynthia J. Popp

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сезона: 14

епизода: 113 - #3375


Ridge finds his living room full of a camera crew and reporters. Taylor tells him that they have been selected for an interview with Fashion Today magazine. Taylor gushes with pride about her family and Ridge loses his bottle to tell her the truth. Stephanie storms into Morgan's office and warns her that she won't have Ridge. Morgan says that she doesn't want Ridge, only his baby. Stephanie tells her that Ridge is going to tell Taylor the truth. Morgan says that it will be Stephanie's fault if he loses his family. CJ asks Amber if her lawyer is getting anywhere with her case. He offers Sally's help again, but Amber turns him down. Sherman later calls Amber and tells her that he has some good news.


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