
Secrets of the Underground

Secrets of the Underground (2017)

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сезона: 1

епизода: 3


Using cutting-edge technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and 3-D imaging, scientists research fascinating underworlds of secret tunnel networks, ancient structures, and bizarre geological occurrences that offer glimpses into our history.
Some of the world’s most confounding archaeological and architectural secrets are located close to home – in fact, they are just underground. With the recent emergence of cutting-edge technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and 3-D imaging, scientists are now able to research fascinating underworlds of secret tunnel networks, ancient structures, and bizarre geological occurrences that offer glimpses into history like never before. In this enlightening series, scientist and tech fanatic Rob Nelson travels the country to investigate long lost, subterranean phenomena. Part tech, part mystery, and part science, the series tells the stories of some of the strangest subterranean locations in the country. From intricate - and forgotten - sewers, caves, chemical labs and dark matter detectors, to lost civilisations, these images look at all things covert, hidden and unfamiliar.


Secrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the UndergroundSecrets of the Underground


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