
Arabian Inferno

Arabian Inferno (2017)

Природа | Канада

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сезона: 1

епизода: 1


The parched and barren landscape of the Arabian Peninsula offers a vivid backdrop for life in the harsh desert. Water is scarce and death due to the extreme heat is common, yet a natural world continues to flourish. Follow some of the desert's most iconic creatures and learn the unique ways in which they've adapted to the stark conditions around them.

Наратор: Nicholas Gauci


Arabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian InfernoArabian Inferno


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