
Seven Little Monsters

Seven Little Monsters (2000)

Режисер: Neil Affleck, Lynn Reist

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рејтинг: 7.0/10

This children's animated series follows seven little monsters, apparently not little but big ones, in their adventures in learning about life. And each monster's name is a number, 1-7. One, the eldest of all of them, and the most athletic yet to be the tattletale of the siblings. Two, the most helpful out of the monsters with a long nose. Three, the most dramatic of the seven, and usually seen taking on a different persona in each episode. Four, the middle child who is the epitome of rambunctious angst in his family. Five, the childish sibling who does weird things with his tongue. He is normally seen with Four. Six, who is the resident ballerina, believes she's the most beautiful monster. And the youngest, Seven, who can unscrew his head. Despite his frightful appearance and being the youngest, he is the tallest among his siblings and the most gentle.

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