
Un'estate a Città del Capo

Ein Sommer in Kapstadt (2010)

Dramë, Romancë | Gjermani
Regjia: Imogen Kimmel

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Sophie and Dirk Engel manage a fruit importation company : they have been married for 20 years and have two adolescent children .Dirk has a journey to Capetown for business reasons and after his departure Sophie finds a goodbye letter of Dirk explaining that he has found love but hopes that that can remain good friends because of the children.In their office Sophie discovers a lot of photographs of Dirk and his new love Miriam.Then Sophie decides to travel to Capetown to recover her love with Dirk.In Capetown Sophie goes in car looking for the house of Miriam,she stops the car,Miriam was speaking with Gabriel about a woman who should come soon.Miriam comes to greet Sophie, who is quite surprised and invites her to come into the house,Sophie decides then to hide her identity and to know then better Miriam.


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