Allmen und das Geheimnis des Koi

Allmen und das Geheimnis des Koi (2024)

Komedi, Krim, Dramë, Mister | Gjermani

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Vlerësimi: 5.4/10


Johann Friedrich von Allmen wants to take a carefree break in Tenerife - with his indispensable butler Carlos, of course. What do empty accounts and horrendous tax demands matter when his wealthy girlfriend Jojo Hirth invites the idler? Unfortunately, an old friend puts him in the awkward position of not being able to turn down a job. Music producer Freddie has paid off gambling debts to film mogul Garrett with Allmen's promissory notes. The witty detective is now tasked with recovering a stolen treasure for his new creditor: a Japanese koi that has disappeared from Garrett's garden aquarium. Not only Allmen's notorious client is attached to the ornamental fish, which is revered in Japan as a symbol of love and loyalty, but also his fascinating and mysterious girlfriend Dr. Akina de la Vega. When a murder occurs, Allmen finds himself in the middle of a game of intrigue that becomes dangerous for him and his companions.


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