Empire of Lust

순수의 시대 (2015)

Romancë, Dramë, Histori, Aksion | Koreja e Jugut
Regjia: Ahn Sang-hoon

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Vlerësimi: 6.0/10


Set in 1398. Kim Min-Jae is the supreme commander of the Joseon Dynasty. He falls in love for the first time and for that woman he takes risks. Yi Bang-Won is the King's son. He helped his father setup the Joseon Dynasty era, but he was not picked as the Crown Prince. He still holds ambitions of becoming the King one day. Jin is Kim Min-Jae’s son and the King's son-in-law. Due to his position as the King's son-in-law, he is unable to take part in politics and only seeks out pleasure.


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