
Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County

Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County (2010)

Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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In Orange County, California -- one of the wealthiest regions in America -- children of the working poor are forced to live with their parents in one-room motel rooms, attending a special school for transient children.
One in 50 children experience homelessness in the U.S. each year. In Orange County, California -- one of the wealthiest regions in America -- children of the working poor are forced to live in one-room motel rooms, attending a special school for transient children and playing in concrete parking lots in the shadow of the world's most famous amusement park. Though these families hope to move to permanent housing one day, today's economic realities offer a bleaker picture for the motel kids of Orange County. From journalist/producer/filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi comes this film that follows several Southern California children stuck in this motel limbo and whose day-to-day lives are a numbing exercise in boredom, frustration and ever-diminishing expectations.



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