EPISODI: 4 - Papakind


Ten-year-old Emma lives on a farm with her mother Hannah after her parents divorce. The former "papa child" has broken with her father Alexander, whom she blames for the separation. Even when he is dying with an aggressive cancer, Emma sticks to her refusal. In order to fulfill the last wishes of her suffering patient Alexander, nurse Hildegard only has one advice: Paul and his therapy dog Kathe should help Emma take heart and say goodbye to her father in the hospital. The experienced therapist knows that this is only possible with the support of her mother. In order to get at her at all, he brings Kathe into play. By working with the therapy dog, not only the mother begins to open up, but Emma too. But is there enough time? Meanwhile, a painful loss is looming for Paul. His wife Erina moves further and further away from him. The former star ballerina makes the decision to take her life in hand and fight against her disability. However, that she trusts the new veterinarian Eric, makes Paul jealous. Of course, because of his job, he knows where that comes from and how to deal with it - but feelings are just not rational. For Erina's sake, he is ready to completely change his life.


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