
Lost Gold of World War II: The Backdoor

Lost Gold of WW2 (2019)

Dokumentar, Histori, Luftë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
History 2 | e mërkurë | 21:00


EPISODI: 5 - The Backdoor


Unable to find a tunnel at the waterfall, the team is guided by an animal marker to a boulder carved in the shape of a turtle. Following the direction of the turtle head, the team discovers a Golden Lily symbol indicating a secret backdoor entrance.


Lost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War IILost Gold of World War II


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