EPISODI: 4 - White Nights


The team discovers Vandal Savage was living in the Soviet Union in the 1980s at a time when a number of nuclear scientists vanished, so heads back in time to try to find out what he is plotting. Meanwhile, Druce offers Rip a chance at redemption and the Firestorm matrix comes under threat when Jax and Stein come to blows.


DC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of TomorrowDC's Legends of Tomorrow


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