EPISODI: 1 - Back to the Suture


From farm calls to clinic emergencies, Dr. Pol and crew are full speed ahead. But animals are not the only ones in need, Dr. Pol and Charles try to fix up his vintage DMC DeLorean for the local car show.


Dr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i Pabesueshëm


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