
Druga Szansa

Druga szansa (2016)

Dramë | Poloni

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The main character is Monika Borecka, TV producer and manager. She is a modern woman of success - strong, attractive, hard-working and self-confident. Seemingly, she's leading a perfect life: she's on the peak of her career, makes money, and has a handsome partner. She loves living in a big city, she is always updated with news. Monika is ambitious and creative. In the world of show-business, she feels like a duck in water. She's going to celebrate her 40th birthday with beloved ones. Suddenly...she loses everything. Without job, friends, rejected by the world of show-biz which was her entire world. Arrested and convicted to social services in hospital. Monika, for the first time in her life is left on the own. Betrayed, humiliated, disillusioned and without hope. Monika faces many problems to find the answer for a question: what is the most important thing in life? Is she able to struggle with hardships of life? How to use a second chance, which is given us by lock to find our true destiny? The series also shows scenes of show business and reveals to the audience the mechanisms governing the world.


Druga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga SzansaDruga Szansa


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