
Style Contest with Mark Lakatos: Episode 30

Stíluspárbaj Lakatos Márkkal (2017)

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EPISODI: 30 - Episode 30


Besides shopping, the theme of Mark Lakatos's all new and revamped show will be about intense competition, fresh fashion trends and the traditional counseling from the host and fashion-savvy guests. Every week five fashion maniac competitors face off to prove, that their style is the best. What's common in a fashion blogger, a shopping frenzied lawyer, a rock-band toting kindergarten teacher and an opera singer? They all love shopping and fashion.


Style Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark LakatosStyle Contest with Mark Lakatos


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