
Smallville: Covenant (2)

Smallville (2001)

Fantashkencë, Aksion, Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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Vlerësimi: 9.4/10


EPISODI: 22 - Covenant (2)


The numerous miraculous rescues by the local wonder boy Clark have aroused suspicions amongst colonials of Smallville. Interestingly, the boy has managed to downplay his acts of various heroic egresses in the past. They say he's either too fast or has a penchant for finding trouble. He was found by Martha and Jonathan Kent on the day of the Meteor Shower, and subsequently adopted. Clark's friend Lex Luthor, the only heir of Luthorcorp, has been secretly investigating grounds for Clark's outlandish valor. However, on the face of it, Clark just seems a normal boy who's slightly more secretive than usual.


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