
Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners: Gemma, Jim, Angie and Brian

Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners (2014)

Stil jetese | Mbretëria e Bashkuar


EPISODI: 2 - Gemma, Jim, Angie and Brian


Two more extreme cleaners help people who don't put a tidy house at the top of their list of priorities. Gemma from Hertfordshire goes through two vacuum cleaners every year to keep her home immaculate. Now she helps Kent father-of-two Jim clear out some of the 10 tons of stuff he has collected from car-boot sales over the years. But will he let her get rid of his collection of women's clothing and accessories from his cross-dressing hobby? Meanwhile, Angie from Hampshire gets down on her knees twice a day to mop the floor of her bungalow. However, she will need to get over her bird phobia if she is to help 77-year-old widower Brian at his house in Kent, which is also home to 37 owls.


Obsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive CleanersObsessive Compulsive Cleaners


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