
The Two Ronnies: Episode 4

The Two Ronnies (1985)

Komedi | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 4 - Episode 4


Sketches include a visit to the pub where one drinker tries to finish the sentences of the other, we receive a message from Lucifer Hornsby who is the Grand High Wizard of the Emetic of the Golden Rivet Hendon Branch, two tramps discuss a relative, there is a problem in colonies in Africa that requires a quick exit, there is a performance by some dancing marionettes, two tramps discuss stinginess, Ronnie was elected captain of the BBC rugby team, is to get a new set and tells a joke about Yehudi Menuhin, the final drama is a thriller called 'I Married a Poltergeist'. The musical performer is Elaine Paige.


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