
The Challenge: Handsome Reward

Real World/Road Rules Challenge (2002)

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EPISODI: 16 - Handsome Reward


The day has arrived...tis the day of the Final Mission. Each of the teams wake up nervous yet excited to win the handsome reward. The Road Rules team wonders what the last mission will be, Emily hopes it has nothing to do with luck, cause she doesn't believe it's fair to win $300,000 off luck. They discuss the deals they have, we learn there is a deal between- Emily & Elka Theo & Mike Tara & Danny Timmy & Kelley Dan & Sean The only two not to reach a agreement is Holly & Coral. Coral has tried, but Holly denied cause she believes she'll put 100% in this final mission and take the money home. The vans pick them up bright and early and they arrive at the final mission site. As the Ultimate Teams, Sean & Elka and Theo & Holly must deligate the rest of their teams during each part of the final mission. They also learn that the Ultimate Team that wins the final mission will not just get the $50,000 each but they also will each get a 2002 Saturn Vue SUV.


The ChallengeThe ChallengeThe ChallengeThe Challenge


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