
Fear Factor: The Series: Net Jump; Wormtinis; Tunnel Crawl

Fear Factor (2001)

Game-show, Reality show, Thriller | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 4 - Net Jump; Wormtinis; Tunnel Crawl


Stunt #1: Net Jump Contestants would have to climb to the top of a 110 foot tower and then jump twice their body length to a cargo net hanging across from the tower. Contestants who were able to hang on to the net for 5 seconds would advance to the next round.

Stunt #2: Wormtinis Contestants would have to eat five earthworms and one super worm in a martini glass. Contestants who were able to do this in 4 minutes would advance to the finals.

Stunt #3: Tunnel Crawl Contestants would have to crawl through a pitch-black drainage system. The first pipe led to a wet and slimy culvert connected to several other pipes, but only one pipe besides the entry pipe did not have a dead end. The tunnel was rigged with infrared cameras so viewers could see the contestants in the dark tunnels. The contestant to reach the end of the exit tunnel fastest would win the $50,000.


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