Silk Stalkings: The Sock Drawer

Silk Stalkings (1992)

Aksion, Krim, Dramë, Thriller, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 14 - The Sock Drawer


A mysterious woman calls the police to report a murder that is going to happen at Ocean Park, near the carousel. When Lorenzo and Lance get there, they are fired upon, even after identifying themselves. They find out that the man who shot at them was their patrol commander John Stonewell. Now Chris and Rita must face a shooting review board because of their commander's lies.


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  • Familja Hanter (2017)

    Maksi është pjestari më i ri i familjes misterioze Hanter. Ai duhet të bashëpunojë me vëllezërit e motrat e tij Anika, Sal, Tess dhe Daniel, për të gjetur...

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