
Wiseguy: No One Gets Out of Here Alive

Wiseguy (1987)

Krim, Dramë, Aksion, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Robert Iscove

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EPISODI: 10 - No One Gets Out of Here Alive


While Vinnie tries to reassure Sonny of his loyalty, Aldo calls to warn Sonny the cops are on the way, causing Sonny to flee, with Vinnie right behind him. They end up locked in a closed theater where they fight, drink and try to justify their lives. Meanwhile, Frank is distraught over Vinnie's disappearance as he tries to get information from the other mob bosses. After he finds out Vinnie's location, he arranges a rescue, which culminates in Sonny committing suicide and Vinnie being arrested to protect his cover. (source:


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