
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: The Tale of the Last Dance

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2000)

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EPISODI: 10 - The Tale of the Last Dance


Tara plays the violin beautifully. So beautifully, that someone has fallen in love with her. But this person lives in underground caves and isn't a normal human being. He wants Tara to be his, and his alone, and will stop at nothing to have her.


Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?Are You Afraid of the Dark?


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