Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Kathy Greenwood

Whose Line Is It Anyway? (2005)

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EPISODI: 12 - Kathy Greenwood


Let's Make a Date has Kathy choosing from Wayne, the Hyenas from ""The Lion King"", Colin, a sensitive teenage French Canadian nerd (paraphrased), and Ryan, a Lounge Singer on the Titanic (paraphrased)

Sound Effects with Ryan as Indiana Jones and Colin as his sassy female sidekick on a quest for lost treasure

Motown Group with Wayne, Colin, and Ryan singing ""Do the Park Ranger""

Helping Hands has married man Ryan (with Colin's arms) has invited his secretary, Kathy, for lunch to ""proposition her""

Foreign Film Dub is the Italian action film, ""Killer Spagetti"" with Ryan translating for kathy and Colin for Kathy

Credit Reading has Ryan as the lounge singer from Let's Make a Date


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