
Sword Art Online: Death Gun

Sword Art Online (2014)

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EPISODI: 9 - Death Gun


Sinon attempts to shoot Death Gun, but he dodges the bullet and kills Pale Rider with his pistol. Asuna, Leafa, Klein, Silica, Lisbeth and Yui also realize that Death Gun is a part of Laughing Coffin. Sinon and Kirito deduces that Death Gun traveled underwater in the river, and is now heading north. Asuna logs out of ALO to find Kikuoka for answers. Kirito and Sinon reach the end of the river and try to find the two other first-time tournament players, Musketeer X and Sterben. They locate Musketeer X at a stadium and decide to split up, but before Sinon takes her position, she is suddenly shot with a stun bullet. Death Gun, revealed to be Sterben, appears and proclaims that he is going to kill her. She is shocked when Death Gun pulls out his Type 54 pistol, coincidentally the same type of gun that she used to kill the robber at the post office when she was eleven years old.


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