
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: We Need To Talk About Kathy

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2022)

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EPISODI: 19 - We Need To Talk About Kathy


When Kathy skips the flight home from Aspen, whispers surface about a meltdown directed at Kyle that took place the night before. Back in Beverly Hills, Erika tells Dorit she’s hurt that Garcelle talked behind her back and vows to say it to her face. Sutton and the others don flapper dresses for Crystal’s swank Roaring 20s birthday party. However, when Kathy arrives as if nothing is amiss, Lisa heads for the exit, and Erika decides to share what she heard.


The Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThe Real Housewives of Beverly Hills


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