
Njëmbëdhjetëshja e Inazumës: Torn Asunder! Fire Blizzard!!

Inazuma irebun (2009)

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EPISODI: 58 - Torn Asunder! Fire Blizzard!!


Thanks to Otomura, Kidou figures out how to stop Chaos' rhythm. The flow of the game is totally reversed as Raimon keeps scoring without stopping. Gazel and Burn realize their team members are fighting amongst themselves and decide to use Fire Blizzard to show them that together they're unbeatable. Also, the Chaos creates an ultimate defense by combining Frozen Steal and Ignite Steal. Aphrodi tries to get past their wall but cannot and instead gets injured and has to leave the team. Despite Aphrodi's injuries, Coach Hitomiko doesn't substitute in Rika, leading to Rika's anger on the coach. The game comes to a halt because Gran intervenes. But what does he mean when he refers to Coach Hitomiko as "sister"?


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