EPISODI: 2 - Sabine


Sabine struggles at work, for her son Jonas - and is constantly overlooked. When the Arunia shipyard in Rostock, where she works as a service person, threatens to close, it is like the last spark that sets her on fire. Her desperation makes her take up arms - against "all the assholes" in her world and she feels freedom for the first time. Katrin König and Sascha Bukow work against time, because Sabine doesn't stop killing and it takes a while before they even come across her. Who would have trusted this shy woman to do such things? In addition to this nerve-racking case, there are also other problems: Sascha has a hard time saying goodbye to his father. And there is also a lot to be clarified between König and Bukow .


Silent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent HuntSilent Hunt


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