
Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are? (2004)

Dokumentar, Reality show, Biografi, Histori | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Harvey Lilley

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Shakespearean actor, movie star and national treasure Dame Judi Dench's journey begins with her father Reginald Dench, who never spoke of his experiences during the First World War, as she tries to find out how he won his gallantry medals. Judi's investigations then take a truly epic turn, leading her to 16th-century Denmark and nobility. Judi also discovers, to her delight, some incredible Shakespearean links.


Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?


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