The five teenage girls Andrea, Emma, Mia, Olivia and Stephanie realize that their beloved Heartlake City needs some help, and by combining their diverse creative thinking, they form a super team of ordinary girls doing extraordinary things. They help the city, fix what's broken, rescue what needs rescuing, expose the cheating and unfair shady aspects of the many corners and areas they didn't even knew existed. On top of helping the city, our girls spend countless hours on the famous HLC track. They're the first to stand up and protect the city's reputation, when the world champion Vicky Roman arrives in town to win the HLC GRAND PRIX. This will require our five girls to setup a team, learn new skills, overcome jealousy and "take one for the team" in order to successfully beat the Pro driver.


Lego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a MissionLego Friends: Girls on a Mission


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