
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler

The Dark Charisma Of Adolf Hitler (2012)

Режисер: Laurence Rees
EXP Histori | 19.6.24 | 00:55

сезона: 1

епизода: 1


No one else so changed the state of the world and left behind such a wake of ruins as Adolf Hitler. Yet crucially, the way in which Hitler led the Nazi party has not received the attention that it deserves - how and why so many people followed Hitler, ultimately to the destruction of their own country.


The Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThe Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler


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