
How to Look Good Naked: Cindy Bristow

How to Look Good Naked (2007)

Документарец, Ријалити шоу | Обединетото Кралство, САД
Режисер: Becky Smith, Diane DeStefano

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сезона: 3

епизода: 2 - Cindy Bristow


Gok’s in Crawley this week where he’s on a mission to re-awaken the rock chick in Cindy Bristow. Cindy’s not just hit 40, she’s also slammed full on into the buffers, and after 3 kids is feeling clueless how to adapt to the lumps and bumps that motherhood brings. She still feels like she’s 20 in her head and whilst being young at heart is no bad thing; it’s making Cindy feel horrified every time she looks in a mirror.

Cindy is conscious that husband Dan is 9 years younger than her and she worries that her changing body will affect their relationship. This negative mindset has meant that doting Dan doesn’t get a look in — making the situation infinitely worse.


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