
Melrouz plejs: Ryan's Choice

Melrose Place (1999)

Режисер: Charles Correll

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 7

епизода: 28 - Ryan's Choice


Ryan visits with his daughter; but Terry O'Brien, her aunt and legal guardian, cuts short their time together. Ryan heads home and immediately tells Megan that he slept with Lexi in Mexico. He purposely drives her away, and also alienates Lexi with his bizarre behavior. Megan confronts Lexi and quits her job. Michael agrees to team up with Lexi after his ploy to win back Megan fails. Ryan vanishes for several days before Kyle finds him at the blacktop courts. Ryan reveals that he was married as an 18-year-old. His family was in a car accident; he pulled his infant daughter to safety, but the car erupted in flames and killed his wife. He is still wracked with guilt, and has kept a promise to Sarah by never remarrying. The parole board plans to send Eve back to prison for fraternizing with Jackie, but Amanda comes to her rescue. Peter and Eve fly to Texas to consider a bid on his father's old land. He returns home to defend himself against Dr. Shulman's attacks, but winds up resigning. E


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