
Melrouz plejs: Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell (2)

Melrose Place (1998)

Режисер: Charles Correll

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 7

епизода: 7 - Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell (2)


The kidnapper pursues Amanda through the woods in the midst of the storm. She slips over the edge of a cliff, and is about to be shot when Peter arrives. Peter furtively convinces the kidnapper to let Amanda go, and carries her to the safety of a motel. Kyle is alarmed to find them naked and sharing the same bed, although Peter explains that their clothes were soaked and Amanda was suffering from hypothermia. Kyle later overhears Amanda chatting on the phone with Peter in the middle of the night. Megan stows away on the boat and foils Brett's attempt to kill Lexi. Brett blames Megan for ruining his life by forcing him to marry Lexi. He dumps her and moves to Philadelphia to take the job for Larner. Taylor delivers a healthy baby boy and decides to move back to Boston. Jane and Michael prepare for parenthood, only to find that Taylor has left with Michael Jr. Jane forces Michael to arrange a reconciliation between Billy and a heartbroken Jennifer. The couple moves to Rome together. Sam


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