
Melrouz plejs: No Lifeguard on Duty (1)

Melrose Place (1996)

Режисер: Richard Lang

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сезона: 4

епизода: 20 - No Lifeguard on Duty (1)


Amanda tells Vince that Jack was not the loving son that he remembers. Vince is outraged, but decides to let Amanda and Bobby go. He sells his shares in Bobby's cable company, leaving the business in jeopardy. Amanda agrees to help Bobby. Peter pays Syd to accompany him to a party and try to win Bobby away from Amanda. A financially strapped Brooke is thrown out of her hotel room. Alison convinces Billy not to have Amanda fire Brooke. Brooke tries to win back her ex-fiancé, but he laughs at her. Kimberly receives a call from Vic. When she visits him in prison, he vows that he will get out. Jane decides to start a business in Jake's garage. Jane's relationship with Jake is strained when she makes vicious comments to Jo. Matt accuses Alan of trying to keep their relationship under wraps.


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