
Fear Factor: Trapeze; Pig Feast; Traverse

Fear Factor (2001)

Режисер: Randall Einhorn

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 1

епизода: 9 - Trapeze; Pig Feast; Traverse


Stunt #1: Trapeze Contestants would have to use specially placed handholds to climb to the top of a 35-foot telephone pole. Once on top, they would have to jump 1½ times their body length, grab a trapeze, and hang on for 5 seconds. Everyone who completed this stunt within 15 minutes would advance to the next round.

Stunt #2: Pig Feast Contestants would each have to select a fortune cookie which contained a strip of paper with a pig part written on it. The part written on the paper would be the pig part they would have to eat. The parts were liver, kidney, heart, ear, tongue, and snout. Everyone who ate their pig part in 4 minutes would advance to the finals.

Stunt #3: Traverse As a semi truck drove down a highway at 45 miles per hour, contestants would have to climb across the side of the trailer using specially placed handholds. When they got to the end, they would have to climb up on top of the truck. The contestant to do this the fastest would win the $50,000.


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