сезона: 1

епизода: 7 - Brüder


Georg Leitner can hardly wait to take control of his new life. He would love to persuade Marie Huber to move into his farm with their baby and to become a family. But that is unthinkable for the self-confident farmer: She still doesn't trust him - and besides, Marie has her own alpine pasture. An even tougher nut is Georg's brother of all people: Florian wants to prevent Georg from paying him out and continuing the farm as the sole heir. The deeply offended Florian does not enter into a conversation. Lisa Huber can only look forward to her first success in court for a short time. Unfortunately, her ex-boss turns out to be a bad loser: Dr. Kendrich wants to see that she loses her lawyer license. When Mila Leitner turns up at Lisa on a private matter to bring her father to his senses, she has to face her unhappy love. Encounters with her "ex" Florian are anything but predictable. Meanwhile, Karl Leitner is faced with a difficult task in his new job in the youth welfare office: He has to find a family that can take in two Syrian boys. If he does not succeed, the brothers Abed and Mohammed are separated.


At Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the Mountains


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