
Magellan's Extraordinary Odyssey

L'incroyable périple de Magellan (2022)

Документарец, Историски | Франција, Шпанија, Белгија, Португалија, Швајцарија, Канада, Литванија, Република Чешка, Словенија
Режисер: François de Riberolles

рејтинг: 8.6/10

The Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) makes Christopher Columbus' dream come true and finds the western route to India. The four-part documentary tells the story of the greatest seafaring feat of all time - an incredible adventure in which more than 230 sailors discovered new lands, new peoples, a new ocean and a new world. How did Ferdinand Magellan manage to master the greatest sea adventure in history? And why did he never return from the daring expedition?

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