
Tristan is a journalist with deep political convictions who worked for years doing journalistic research. Once married and with three children, he accepts a much more remunerative job on commercial television and gradually becomes involved in a life he did not expect.


Нема Прегледи
  • Веќи човек од човека (2018)

    Шта заиста значи живот у ери интелигентних машина? У овој занимљивој потрази, један режисер сазнаје колико су његова креативност и људске вредности угрожени док...
  • Inside Planet Earth (2009)

    What if a crack could be opened all the way to the centre of the Earth? A fascinating insight into what makes our planet a place where life can survive.
  • Rosslyn Chapel: A Treasure in Stone (2010)

    Art historian Helen Rosslyn examines the art and architecture of one of the most famous medieval chapels in the world, exploring why the building has enchanted...
  • Aerial New Zealand (2017)

    Take an epic voyage over the remote island nation of New Zealand, the last habitable landmass to be discovered on the planet. No bigger than the state of...
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