Murder My Sweetheart: The Killing of Dolores McCrea

Murder My Sweetheart: The Killing of Dolores McCrea (2022)

Документарец, Криминал | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Matt Dolan, Matthew Lees

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рејтинг: 6.5/10


One freezing night in January 2004, Dolores McCrea left her home and never came back. Police later found her car, but that was where the trail ended. The investigation led to the door of estranged husband Gary. Featuring interviews with family members, detectives and forensic scientists to tell the story of cold-blooded murder, and the man who nearly got away with it.

Продуцент: Nick Broughall, Janine Cobain
времетраење: 94 мин


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