After 40 years of marriage, Eva's grandma Lotti has had enough. She's seriously thinking about splitting up and moving out. Eva, hoping to prevent the geriatric meltdown, cancels her planned vacation with her boyfriend Johannes and spirits Lotti off to Lake Garda in Italy, where granny has always longed to go. And where, Tobias, Eva's new flame, is also bound. Instead of bringing granny to her senses, Eva ends up turning her own life upside down. Johannes or Tobias? Security or excitement? It's a tough choice. Maybe she could ask her grandma for advice, if Lotti wasn't so involved with her own emotional chaos.


Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!Endlich Gardasee!


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