
The Legend of Cocaine Island

The Legend of Cocaine Island (2018)

Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Theo Love

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Vlerësimi: 6.3/10


Rodney is an American dreamer. His glass is not only half full, but it's half full of the finest wine you've ever tasted. But when the great recession wipes out his construction business in Central Florida, his family faces a nightmare of debt. One evening around a campfire, Rodney hears a story from an old, bare-footed hippy that just might solve his family's problems. There's an island. There's a map. And there's buried treasure...$2 million dollars just waiting for someone to dig it up. Rodney is hooked. But there's just one slight, itty-bitty problem...he doesn't have a shovel. Oh, and the $2 million dollars just happens to be in cocaine form.


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