
Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are? (2004)

Dokumentar, Reality show, Biografi, Histori | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Singer-songwriter and talent show judge Pixie Lott hopes to confirm a family story that she has Italian ancestry from Verona, but instead discovers ancestors battling poverty and hardship in London. On her dad's side, Pixie learns of her great-grandfather's harrowing and surprising experience in the First World War. And, wondering if she has any musical genes, Pixie is delighted to discover three generations of military musicians.


Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?Who do you think you are?


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