
Embarrassing Bodies: Back to the Clinic (4)

Embarrassing Bodies (2008)

Reality show, Komedi, Dokumentar, Shëndeti | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 19 - Back to the Clinic (4)


Among the cases revisited this time are a man with severe anal abscesses, a teenager struggling with a diabetes diagnosis and a lad with an overeating condition. John first came to the Embarrassing Bodies clinic with a severe case of anal abscesses. After 15 operations on his anus, John undergoes his final procedure and returns to the clinic to let Dr Pixie know if he's now seen the end to his problem.


Embarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing BodiesEmbarrassing Bodies


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